Friday, January 21, 2011

To Blog or Not to Blog

To blog or not to blog? This is a common question these days. What is a blog, and why create one? I googled "blog" and even "mom blog" to see what the current trend is all about.

One definition from this web site is "an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a web page." Blogs can be updated daily, and they often reflect the personality of the author. Etymologically, it is the shortened form of Weblog. Usage includes blog, blogged, blogging (v), and blogger (n).

Moms are blessed with an amazing responsibility to nurture and pass on tidbits of instruction, wisdom, and much-needed humor--even when you least expect it! A proverb, book, recipe, photo, fact from history, even a grammar lesson--these are opportunities to connect one generation to the next.

So, this is my hope with this blog. Perhaps, while I create and share my experiences, you and I can be reminded of those valuable, often neglected, motherly words to live by.

1 comment:

Kathleen said...

Well, welcome to the wonderful world of blogdom - it is a big world! (And in case you are wondering who this stranger is "stalking" you, my husband and I went to school at ICA with Tim. Mark and Tim, in fact, were in the same class. :))