Monday, January 24, 2011

Seize the Snow Day!

We were so happy this week to have a pretty, steady, snowfall. The kind that sticks, and even forced the school system to allow for a snow day. It was the next day that I was still in hibernation mode. My idea was to build a fire, make some coffee, watch TV and enjoy the snow from our comfy, cozy living room. Our 4-year old, Lillian, just wanted to go outside and play. "When can we build a snowman?" --"Not now, it's cold, and you'll get sick." --"But it's okay, I've got my pink boots, and my coat!"  So, after much persuasion, Tim took the three of us out for a quick lunch. Lillian insisted on wearing her sunglasses and then later found her very favorite pink umbrella at Mimi's. Her enthusiasm for the day was contagious and even brought on a few smiles from onlookers at Steak -n Shake! She seized the day and reminded me of the joy of being a little girl, full of life and energy when waking up to SNOW!

Begin doing what you want to do now.  We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand, and melting like a snowflake.  ~Marie Ray


Anonymous said...

Is the circle of footprints from Lillian going round and round in's pretty cool to see your own footprints...

Unknown said...

Yes, she was testing out those boots!